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Vision: To grow food and new solutions for sustainability through hydroponics and real-world learning. 

We need a new way to think about our problems.

The Hydroponics farm

The two acre vertical growing capacity of the Freight Farm container allows for local food production in our Woodstock, Vermont community 365 days a year. The digitally controlled environment agriculture grows tasty high quality produce balancing the needs of humans and nature. This micro-sustainable enterprise seeks to not only revolutionize food production, but catalyze regenerative solutions for our future. 

Designed with learning in mind

New solutions require new ways of thinking. This innovation will entail learning and unlearning. Integrating different ways of knowing and recognizing our interconnectedness are essential ingredients to our growth. For this reason, Ferndean Farm is committed to learning partnerships with community and schools built on the rich sedimentary rock of our past, caring for the precious present and inspiring possibilities for the future.

About Me.

“We entered the wood, and wended homeward” Jane Eyre


I am a Woodstock native who has worked in education locally and internationally for 30 years. In so many ways, it is time to reconcile my life and my work to share what I have discovered. The values of my conditioning taught me that power comes from a determination to dominate over the problems and people that stand before me. However, I know I need, we need, another way.

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